Guy beats his Girl for Ruining his Live Stream Guitar Session

:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
Duration: 0:22 Views: 73K Submitted: 5 months ago Submitted by:
He probably gets bullied
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:) 8-) ;( :D :( :O :P ;) :heart: :ermm: :angel: :angry: :alien: :blink: :blush: :cheerful: :devil: :dizzy: :getlost: :happy: :kissing: :ninja: :pinch: :pouty: :sick: :sideways: :silly: :sleeping: :unsure: :woot: :wassat:
1 +1 Elwapito 5 days ago

«She actually did us all a favor in stopping that faggot singing his garbage song with his lame ass guitar.»

3 +1 Luxmar 4 months ago

«Bunch of simps on these comments. I guarantee she will never leave him»

0 +1 marc-sign 5 months ago

«Disrespectful behavior will be punished. But we don't know anything about the background 8-)»

1 +1 LordTorquemada 5 months ago

«@michealjordun96 lolol, weak troll, try again genius.»

0 +1 LordTorquemada 5 months ago

«@michealjordun96 No, by both parties expressing their 'free will' they are enacting their right of equality. I thought you didn't believe in equality?»

0 +1 michealjordan96 5 months ago

«@LordTorquemada I have a strong feeling you are in your late teens/early 20's and are just as annoy as the girl in this video. You two would probably understand each other and be the best of friends.»

1 +1 LordTorquemada 5 months ago

«@@michealjordun96 I choose to make new posts, it's called free will, something you clearly know nothing about.»

0 +1 michealjordan96 5 months ago

«@LordTorquemada This video was a great example of "Free Will". She used her "free will" to do what she wanted, aka invading his free time, personal space, and disrupting what he was focused on/doing....and then HE used his "free will" to fuck her up to show his "free will" of anger and frustration with the "free will" she used. ????Is this the meaning of "FREE WILL" old wise sensei?»

0 +1 Bigdaddy75764 1 month ago

«@LordTorquemada it’s true tho your just a simp with no girls and your problem 13 ????????????»

6 +1 5 months ago

«What a pussy»

0 +1 LordTorquemada 5 months ago

«@michealjordun96 wow, now I triggered you lmfao, don't take much huh?»

0 +1 michealjordan96 5 months ago

«@LordTorquemada You seem to be new to the internet and commenting. You can reply to a post/comment in a thread without making a completely new post. "Triggered". There's nothing wrong with getting upset. I hate SIMP's, white knights, and captain save ho's who give girls and women a pass for shitty behavior they would crucify a man for. I hate SIMP's letting women dodge accountability because they're to much of a bitch to call the out. I hate double standards and bias given women a pass for dumb shit they know better for and not to do.»

0 +1 LordTorquemada 5 months ago

«@michealjordun96 WTF dude? Triggered much?»

0 +1 michealjordan96 5 months ago

«@LordTorquemada......Is what I said true or not? Reverse the situation. Let him hook her mouth and see what she would do. I bet,...hit and scream at him. I'm not about the bullshit double standard shit. Sounds like you might be. Stop treating women like they're fucking idiots or children. They know what the fuck they're doing,.....and like I said,'s not cute, funny, or fun. There's a time and place for everything. This damn sure wasn't it,....and I'm glade he made that very clear for the next time she want's to do some random estrogenic, catnip brain bullshit . I'm tired of SIMP's defending girls and women like they're helpless idiots/retards who are clueless about how the world works. Most of us learn at a very early age that if we fuck with someone, what comes back will probably be the same or worse. The way she did that was a complete "FUCK WHAT YOU'RE DOING,...I WANT ATTENTION,....PAY ATTENTION TO ME" me me me me. NO!!!!! Like rubbing a dogs nose in shit when they shit in the house....NOOOOOOO!!!!!!! The reason girls like her do dumb shit like this thinking they're being cute or funny is because no ones checked them. Time and fucking place. That is a skill EVERYONE men and women need to learn. It will save you from fucking with the wrong people, getting fucked up,....and on the extreme,....getting killed. She's not fucking 5. Think about what was going through her mind....."I see he's doing something".......but then to see this,.... and consciously or unconsciously dismiss that and put what you want to do....which is interrupt what he's doing.....put that over his personal time. HOW FUCKING EGOTISTICAL, SELFISH, INCONSIDERATE, INMATURE, AND UNCARING IS THAT? She was being a douche bag. Reverse the situation, and I'd say the same about him. No bullshit, bias or double standard pass for pussy and titties here. Youtube....."prankster Tanner Cook".....He got shot being young and dumb. You can tell this fucktard was about "do anything for attention"..."do anything to get famous". He fucked around with the wrong guy and found out. Good. We all have to learn this lesson. God willing, your family teaches you before a random stranger does. The people who don't end up on videos like this or dead.......fucking with people or animals they shouldn't have.»

11 +1 LordTorquemada 5 months ago

«He runs like a fucking girl.»

17 +1 Random_dude 5 months ago

«There is not much in this world dumber than an early 20's chick, except an early 20's chick with social a media obsession, and a 20-something guy that thinks he is the next rockstar.

There is absolutely zero reason to over react like this guy does. Time to end the toxic relationship is way before it gets to this point.

2 +1 michealjordan96 5 months ago

«@Random_dude Have you notice a lot of women make a choice to go after and stay with guys like this despite guys like you preaching the obvious of "Leave". It's almost like they like relationships like this. Are they stupid? Naive? Strong and independent,....and a victim at the same time? Women, SIMP's, white knights, captain save a ho's, and feminine men try to guilt, shame, and insult guys like this, but the women keep picking them. Hmmmmm,.....but maybe theirs a reason women like this and choice to pass over the passive, soft, gentle SIMP and keep REPEATLY choosing men like this.»

0 +1 Luxmar 4 months ago

«@michealjordan96 because men are supposed to be dominant not put women on a pedestal. It’s primate nature»

5 +1 Crackkkills 5 months ago

«sounds like u prefer the company of men»

6 +1 Desertortrashmetal253082 5 months ago

«Buen golpe ese hombre merece un trago ????????????????????»

57 +1 michealjordan96 5 months ago

«Good job. More women need consequence like this for the dumb shit they do.
They do a lot of annoying shit and think it's cute......and on top of that, EXPECT YOU JUST TO FUCKING TAKE IT. KISS MY ASS. Good job to this guy.
Many women, like cats, do shit looking for a reaction. They're oblivious to what you're doing, interrupt you with no apologies and could give not one fuck. But then want to cry, whine, and bitch when you react like this guy did.
How about gain some situational awareness, stop fucking with people just because your high on estrogen, and you won't get hit. The shit's not cute, fun, or funny. Learn situational awareness bitch, and learn that the world doesn't revolve around you. Learn how to perceive when someone is busy, focused, or don't want to be fuck with. Learn that skill. Men do, they fucking have to.....if not, we get fuck up and no one give a fuck. If anything, they'll say "you dumb fuck, you deserved that."
If this bitch had any situational common sense, she would have saw he was busy and really focused on what he was doing and left him the fuck alone. But no,.....because it's all about me and what I want in the I'm going to go fuck with him,.....fuck what he's doing, me hooking his mouth is more fun because I'm board and boring and the only way to entertain myself is fucking with him.
Fuck just sitting there and watching. or asking can you teach me to do that....that looks interesting. Nope, I'm going to act like a fucking cat and just do whatever I feel when ever I feel like it.
This guy is definitely not a SIMP.
The Irony,....I bet SIMP's will jump to her rescue verbally in the comment section,......yet she'd never pick them, and would rather be with a guy like this or alone then be with a white knight or captain save a ho. :woot:

12 +1 Numiah 5 months ago

«How about fondling her? Did you see those cute white cotton panties?»

7 +1 DA2 5 months ago

«He's not getting laid tonight - or is he???? lol»

2 +1 michealjordan96 5 months ago

«@DA2 I bet he does.»

16 +1 Raasbambaduttyclaat 5 months ago

«He lost all moral high ground for that unnecessarily violent reaction, but she's a bit h for tearing his mouth like that - no part of that was cute. No need to beat up a silly girl like that, for that reason, just throw her out. Stupid way to go to jail and likely change up your life - grow up and get some self-control.»

3 +1 michealjordan96 5 months ago

«@Raasbambaduttyclaat I'm going to tell you the same thing I told another wood stock SIMP below.
@Damien-Holland Where do you get this bullshit double standard rule from? When in fucking history, he millions of years humans have been on this fucking earth has retaliation against someone who did something to you that you don't like or didn't ask for,...when did this become "cowardice". I know when,....when "woke", SIMP, and the feminized current youth come to be. When pronouns became a thing, when fucktard mental patients who "identify" started wanting to force you to share their delusion. When government and wall street started backing the feminization of men. When western society start trying to make men into women and women into men. Western programming, engineering. Sheep and puppets. We tell you what to think and how to think. Shame, guilt, and insults. Because it's what your mommy or SIMP ass dad taught you? Social media? Where the fuck does the logic in what you say come from? From the beginning of time and still to this day in most of the world and in the animal kingdom, it's pretty understood/instinctual that if you fuck with someone, if you hit some one, prepare for the same or worse. Which then leads to the logic understanding...."If I don't fuck with people, most likely, sane people won't fuck with me." It's very simple and easy to follow logic. But when people like you make up and pull these feel good new age "woke" bullshit philosophies and delusional shit out their ass, because is sounds good to say......we get double standards and logic that has never and will never have any connection to reality. From fucking birth it's instinctual. A child doesn't think twice about crying or hitting back when they feel they've been wronged or somethings they didn't like was done to them. I'm all for self comes with maturity,....but I'm also for real and meaningful consequences when you do dumb shit. How the fuck else are you going to learn not to do dumb shit in the future if no one holds you accountable with consequences that make you think twice when you feel like engaging in shit like we see in this video. I have a feeling you're very opposed to serious consequences and discipline. You're all about talking and walking away. Turn the other cheek a million times? Who gives a fuck if they walk all over you till the day you die. Go YouTube that crazy cunt Johnathan Majors was with recently. He used your SIMP ass logic. This is a ninja who knows what times we're living in. He's part of the pro woman, believe all women, man hating, woke, feminist, just identify and you are disease that is current Hollywood. He knew he was with a crazy bitch and that fucking cunt could cost him millions given how pro feminine and woke hollywood is. This ninja ran to get away from that crazy bitch her, RAN!!!!..... and HE STILL GETS FIRED FROM MARVEL and convicted of a bullshit misdemeanor. Carpet eating lesbians in the WNBA do way fucking worse to their "wives" and you don't hear SHIT about that in the mainstream media. Swept under the rug. But let a man do the same shit. Anyways,....Majors,... HE DID THE FUCKING RIGHT THING IN YOUR SIMP ASS BOOK,....and now he's still going to lose millions. Notice women like this don't subscribe to SIMP's like you,....they stay with guys like in this video. Men with boundaries who don't let them walk all over them. While the SIMP's, white knights, and captain save a ho's are throwing guilt, shame and insults,....there are hundreds of videos.....millions of real life examples of SIMP's getting walked all over, friend zoned, left....only for her to go get with a guy like this????...The women they SIMP'd for, stays with and CHOOSES....CHOOSES men like this. They're not tricked, one holds a gun to their head,.....they choose this. Are you stupid? The women know SIMP's like you exist.......and they don't want you. WHEN THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING TO STOP SIMP'ing for bitches who could careless about about your feminized sympathy for the dumb shit they do?

2 +1 michealjordan96 5 months ago

«@Raasbambaduttyclaat You want to see a SIMP pay the ultimate prices.....YouTube FORMER onlyfans model Courtney Clenney.»

10 +1 UseOnlyInWellVentilatedSpaces 5 months ago

«Maybe she should start dating a drummer»

36 +1 prince of trolls 5 months ago

«She fished hooked him which had to have been uncomfortable. I'm not about beating a woman, but that would piss me off too. Stupid bitch.»

15 +1 Damien-Holland 5 months ago

«I hate this type of cowardice. As a man you should only strike in self-defense and even then use control. What a fool.»

1 +1 michealjordan96 5 months ago

«@Damien-Holland Where do you get this bullshit double standard rule from? When in fucking history, he millions of years humans have been on this fucking earth has retaliation against someone who did something to you that you don't like or didn't ask for,...when did this become "cowardice". I know when,....when "woke", SIMP, and the feminized current youth come to be. When pronouns became a thing, when fucktard mental patients who "identify" started wanting to force you to share their delusion. When government and wall street started backing the feminization of men. When western society start trying to make men into women and women into men. Western programming, engineering. Sheep and puppets. We tell you what to think and how to think. Shame, guilt, and insults. Because it's what your mommy or SIMP ass dad taught you? Social media? Where the fuck does the logic in what you say come from? From the beginning of time and still to this day in most of the world and in the animal kingdom, it's pretty understood/instinctual that if you fuck with someone, if you hit some one, prepare for the same or worse. Which then leads to the logic understanding...."If I don't fuck with people, most likely, sane people won't fuck with me." It's very simple and easy to follow logic. But when people like you make up and pull these feel good new age "woke" bullshit philosophies and delusional shit out their ass, because is sounds good to say......we get double standards and logic that has never and will never have any connection to reality. From fucking birth it's instinctual. A child doesn't think twice about crying or hitting back when they feel they've been wronged or somethings they didn't like was done to them. I'm all for self comes with maturity,....but I'm also for real and meaningful consequences when you do dumb shit. How the fuck else are you going to learn not to do dumb shit in the future if no one holds you accountable with consequences that make you think twice when you feel like engaging in shit like we see in this video. I have a feeling you're very opposed to serious consequences and discipline. You're all about talking and walking away. Turn the other cheek a million times? Who gives a fuck if they walk all over you till the day you die. Go YouTube that crazy cunt Johnathan Majors was with recently. He used your SIMP ass logic. This is a ninja who knows what times we're living in. He's part of the pro woman, believe all women, man hating, woke, feminist, just identify and you are disease that is current Hollywood. He knew he was with a crazy bitch and that fucking cunt could cost him millions given how pro feminine and woke hollywood is. This ninja ran to get away from that crazy bitch her, RAN!!!!..... and HE STILL GETS FIRED FROM MARVEL and convicted of a bullshit misdemeanor. Carpet eating lesbians in the WNBA do way fucking worse to their "wives" and you don't hear SHIT about that in the mainstream media. Swept under the rug. But let a man do the same shit. Anyways,....Majors,... HE DID THE FUCKING RIGHT THING IN YOUR SIMP ASS BOOK,....and now he's still going to lose millions. Notice women like this don't subscribe to SIMP's like you,....they stay with guys like in this video. Men with boundaries who don't let them walk all over them. While the SIMP's, white knights, and captain save a ho's are throwing guilt, shame and insults,....there are hundreds of videos.....millions of real life examples of SIMP's getting walked all over, friend zoned, left....only for her to go get with a guy like this????...The women they SIMP'd for, stays with and CHOOSES....CHOOSES men like this. They're not tricked, one holds a gun to their head,.....they choose this. Are you stupid? The women know SIMP's like you exist.......and they don't want you. WHEN THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING TO STOP SIMP'ing for bitches who could careless about about your feminized sympathy for the dumb shit they do?»»

28 +1 TheFullBeanz 5 months ago

«He sucked anyways. She did him and everyone listening a favor.»

5 +1 michealjordan96 5 months ago

«@TheFullBeanz Another SIMP to justify a bitches bad behavior. Love that double standard. Reverse the situation.....let her be focused and he hooker her mouth. She would screamed and hit him. And a SIMP like you, programmed to only see a double standard and bias would have cheered her on and condemned him. And probably would have added "that's what he gets." SIMP'ing is serious mental double standard disease in the west.»

12 +1 Salinan 5 months ago

«more what a sister would do»

18 +1 EatMyShortsYo 5 months ago

«Seems like a healthy relationship? :blink:»

26 +1 Mark_ey 5 months ago

«Typical russian relationship»

3 +1 michealjordan96 5 months ago

«@Mark_ey She deserved it. Actions have consequence for men and women. Just because you have a pussy and titties doesn't give you pass.»

9 +1 FrankKrank 5 months ago

«what... No Stairway?»

14 +1 GoonGumpas 5 months ago

«Ironically he was singing whole lotta love.»